кожен заслуговує на можливість процвітати

Разом ми зміцнюємо освітні можливості, економічну мобільність і доступ до медичних послуг для сімей у всіх округах Спартанбург, Черокі та Юніон у Південній Кароліні.

кожен заслуговує на можливість процвітати

Разом ми зміцнюємо економічну мобільність, освітні можливості та доступ до медичних послуг для сімей у округах Черокі, Спартанбург і Юніон у Південній Кароліні.


Наша місія полягає в тому, щоб об’єднувати, залучати та надихати людей на перетворення нашої спільноти. Ми об’єднуємо людей і ресурси, щоб створити спільноту, де більше сімей можуть бути фінансово самодостатніми та процвітати.

До 2030 року ми маємо сміливу мету зменшити на 11 000 кількість людей у нашій громаді, які живуть нижче рівня самозабезпечення, або рівня доходу, необхідного для задоволення своїх основних потреб.



Ми в United Way of Piedmont віримо, що кожен заслуговує на можливість процвітати, а це означає, що кожен. У рамках нашої роботи в галузі освіти, економічної мобільності та охорони здоров’я ми прагнемо забезпечити справедливість програм, які ми виконуємо та інвестуємо, а також результатів, які вони дають. Наші донори, клієнти та спільнота заслуговують не менше.


Приєднуйтесь до нашого впливу

Кожен бере участь у змінах громади! Дізнайтеся більше про всі способи, якими ви можете залучитися, щоб зробити вплив разом з нами.


останні новини

21 січня 2025 р.
On January 20, over 450 volunteers across Cherokee and Spartanburg counties came together for United Way of the Piedmont’s annual MLK Day of Service, collectively contributing 816 hours of service. This year marked the 30th anniversary of the nationwide AmeriCorps MLK Day of Service, a day when Americans across the country volunteer to honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. For over a decade, United Way of the Piedmont has hosted this day of service in our community, bringing people together to make a lasting impact. The day kicked off with a free community breakfast, generously provided by the City of Spartanburg, at the Dr. T.K. Gregg Center. After breakfast, volunteers convened at 20 local service projects, ranging from trail cleanups and playground construction to period kit packing and marketing support for local nonprofits. Sherea Cross, representing the Gamma Mu Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated., volunteered alongside her sorority sisters at the Spartanburg Period Project, helping to pack kits for those in need. Reflecting on the significance of volunteering on MLK Day, Sherea shared, “I think it's very important to give back, especially on MLK Day because Dr. King wanted unity. And today it's very diversified because of different sororities and different organizations here, but we all came together for [this] project.” United Way of the Piedmont extends its heartfelt thanks to all the volunteers who contributed their time and effort this MLK Day. We encourage everyone to mark their calendars for next year’s Day of Service on Monday, January 19, 2026.
15 січня 2025 р.
Spartanburg, S.C. (January 15, 2025) – On January 9, United Way of the Piedmont gathered top donors their General Daniel Morgan and Tocqueville leadership giving societies to celebrate their collective impact in the community. A special highlight of the evening was honoring Renee Klein with The Morgan Award. This award, presented annually, recognizes a leadership donor who truly embodies the spirit of its inscription: "One Who Cares." Renee has been a powerful advocate for the United Way mission for many years. She served on and chaired the Young Leaders Advisory Board, guiding and inspiring the next generation of leaders to give back and support the work of United Way. Her commitment has continued as a member of the Tocqueville Advisory Board, where she is a driving force behind inspiring others to make significant investments in the community. Because of Renee, more families in our community have hope. More children, parents, and individuals are overcoming challenges and accessing new opportunities to thrive. Renee embodies the spirit of “One Who Cares” in every sense. United Way congratulates Renee on this well-deserved honor and thanks all its leadership donors for their important support of its mission in Cherokee, Spartanburg, and Union counties. Learn more about United Way donor networks at www.uwpiedmont.org/donornetworks .
Stock image of storm and sunshine breaking through clouds
4 жовтня 2024 р.
Spartanburg, S.C. (October 3, 2024) – With severe impact from Hurricane Helene in Cherokee, Spartanburg, and Union counties, United Way of the Piedmont launched the United for All Fund earlier this week to respond. This fund provides immediate relief to families most affected by the hurricane, leveraging individual and foundation gifts to rapidly meet needs. Thanks in part to three significant gifts from the BlackRock Foundation, Duke Energy Foundation, and the Mary Black Foundation, the United for All Fund is poised to make a significant difference in the lives of local families. These foundation gifts ensure that we can offer essential services such as shelter, food, and financial assistance during this urgent time. The BlackRock Foundation, Duke Energy Foundation, and Mary Black Foundation have each contributed $25,000, creating a $75,000 matching gift for the United for All Fund. This means every dollar donated will be doubled to help families affected by Hurricane Helene. Claire Chamberlain, President of the BlackRock Foundation, said, “Our hearts go out to all who have been impacted by the devastation of Hurricane Helene. The BlackRock Foundation is committed to joining efforts with the United Way of Piedmont and the United for All fund to support residents of Spartanburg and surrounding communities in this time of immense need.” United for All support is making these efforts possible: Safe Places: Helping families, like a local couple whose home was damaged, secure temporary housing through Airbnb. Access to Resources: Responding to requests for assistance Clearing Debris: Coordinating chainsaw crews to clear private properties, making them safe for families to begin repairs. Providing Essentials: Launching drives to get food, water, and other essential supplies into the hands of those who need them. For information on how to donate to or find hurricane relief resources, visit www.uwpiedmont.org/unitedforall .
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