We harness the power of our collective impact to overcome the most complex issues facing our community. We are on the ground in Cherokee, Spartanburg, and Union counties, partnering with nonprofits, businesses, and government to bring lasting change to our community.
We know that the biggest issues facing our community can’t be solved by one organization. That’s why United Way of the Piedmont brings together organizations from different sectors across our community to tackle challenges such as homelessness and behavioral health issues.
Through the Collective Impact model, we and our partners share goals and data while supporting each of our unique roles within the community. Working together, we accomplish more than we ever could alone.
Watch the video below to learn more about the Collective Impact model.
The Behavioral Health Taskforce identifies and implements strategies to increase access to behavioral health serivces for people living with mental health or addiction issues.
We partner with A Place to Call Home in Spartanburg County and the Housing Instability Task Force in Cherokee County to prevent homelessness, serve people currently experiencing homelessness, and house more families in our community.
The Safety Net Council is a collaborative group of organizations who provide essential, basic need services to our community's most vulnerable populations.
Our Vision Councils are groups of community volunteers with knowledge and experience of the community and/or specific issue area which their council serves. We convene these groups to make strategic funding decisions and work with other partners to solve crucial community problems. Our current councils are:
The Behavioral Health Taskforce identifies and implements strategies to increase access to behavioral health serivces for people living with mental health or addiction issues.
The Safety Net Council is a collaborative group of organizations who provide essential, basic need services to our community's most vulnerable populations.
The Financial Stability Task Force convenes local industry and community leaders, nonprofits, and government officials to address the issues surrounding financial stability including transportation, housing, financial literacy, and client services.
Opportunity Housing refers to the ability of all residents to live in quality homes and thriving neighborhoods with access to jobs, good schools, healthy food options, medical centers, and transportation. The Opportunity Housing Collaborative works to increase the number of quality, affordable units; increase housing resources and investment; and advocate for equitable housing practices.
The Homeless Task Force supports and case manages the homeless individuals and families, catering to their unique needs and challenges.
Led by Spartanburg Academic Movement, the Out-of-School-Time Collaborative closes opportunity gaps by improving, expanding, and sustaining high-quality afterschool and summer programs for middle and high school age youth.
The Behavioral Health Taskforce identifies and implements strategies to increase access to behavioral health serivces for people living with mental health or addiction issues.
The Safety Net Council is a collaborative group of organizations who provide essential, basic need services to our community's most vulnerable populations.
The Financial Stability Task Force convenes local industry and community leaders, nonprofits, and government officials to address the issues surrounding financial stability including transportation, housing, financial literacy, and client services.
Opportunity Housing refers to the ability of all residents to live in quality homes and thriving neighborhoods with access to jobs, good schools, healthy food options, medical centers, and transportation. The Opportunity Housing Collaborative works to increase the number of quality, affordable units; increase housing resources and investment; and advocate for equitable housing practices.
The Homeless Task Force supports and case manages the homeless individuals and families, catering to their unique needs and challenges.
Led by Spartanburg Academic Movement, the Out-of-School-Time Collaborative closes opportunity gaps by improving, expanding, and sustaining high-quality afterschool and summer programs for middle and high school age youth.
Through our Community Investment Process, we make significant investments in local nonprofit programs that are moving the needle on increasing self-sufficiency.
Guided by our Community Impact Agenda, issue area experts serving on our Vision Councils assess programs we fund to ensure they are effectively addressing our community’s most pressing concerns: economic mobility, access to healthcare, and educational opportunity.
Phone: 864.582.7556
Toll Free: 1.866.345.3086
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 5624
Spartanburg, SC 29304