Lead & Cherokee County Community Resource Coordinator
Preventative Community Health & Resource Coordinator
Grant-Funded Role
HEART Community Resource Coordinator
Grant-Funded Role, Shared Position with City of Spartanburg
Latinx Community Health & Resource Coordinator
Grant-Funded Role
Higher Education Community Resource Coordinator
Grant-Funded Role
Higher Education Community Resource Coordinator
Grant-Funded Role
VITA Program Coordinator
Grant-Funded Role
HEART Community Resource Coordinator
Grant-Funded Role, Shared Position with City of Spartanburg
Rural Partnerships VISTA
Grant-Funded Role
Union Community Resource Coordinator
Resource Development VISTA
Grant-Funded Role
Corporate Volunteerism VISTA
Grant-Funded Role
Corporate Partnerships Manager
Leadership Gift Officer
Donor Stewardship Associate
Director of Grants
*Denotes part-time staff. Please allow additional time for response.
Phone: 864.582.7556
Toll Free: 1.866.345.3086
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 5624
Spartanburg, SC 29304