help when you need it


24/7 Help with 211

Our 211 helpline provides referrals to programs to assist with food, housing, financial assistance, utility assistance, and more. Help is available 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

Click to search the 211 online database of available services in your area. If you need any help finding resources, please dial 2-1-1 or text "help" to 211-211 for further assistance.


Additional 211 Resources

  • 3 Ways to Use 211

    You can use 211 in three ways:

    1. Dial 2-1-1 on your phone to speak with an agent.
    2. Search for services in your community at
    3. Text "Help" to 211-211. 

    What to know when you call 211

    • The 211 operator will ask you a few questions to get to know your needs better and understand your eligibility for services. You can expect a calm, compassionate individual who will be responding to your requests.
    • Be sure to have a pen and paper handy! The operator will provide you with a list of agencies that may be able to provide assistance. This includes important details such as who to call, when to arrive and what to bring
  • 211 Toolkit

  • 211 Report

    Reports provided by 211 show how many people are accessing services and which services are in the highest demand in the Cherokee, Spartanburg, and Union counties. This allows United Way of the Piedmont to understand emerging and ongoing needs and work with partners on ways to address needs and gaps.

For questions or additional information on 211 resources, please contact Sarah Daniel at

FINANCiAL & Economic Mobility


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