Join a team of passionate people collaborating to change the odds for families in Spartanburg, Cherokee, and Union Counties.
United Way of the Piedmont is currently hiring for the below positions. Interested candidates should submit a resume and detailed cover letter highlighting their qualifications and salary requirement to the appropriate person for each position (noted in job description).
A Place to Call Home aims for a Spartanburg County where homelessness is a solvable issue and everyone has a safe, secure place to call home. The Director is responsible for executing the A Place to Call Home action plan, working with partners and the community to identify and implement effective strategies. This role involves coordinating with diverse stakeholders to prevent homelessness, support those in need, and ensure access to affordable housing. The Director reports to a leadership team comprised of the City of Spartanburg, County of Spartanburg, The Faith Initiative to End Child Poverty, OneSpartanburg Inc., Spartanburg Housing, Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System, and United Way of the Piedmont.
Through United Way of the Piedmont's AmeriCorps Direct Service program, you can serve 10-30 hours per week as a Teacher Support Specialist at a local elementary school in Spartanburg, providing opportunities for teachers and students to get the support they need to thrive. Living allowance and education award benefits vary based on hours served.
United Way of the Piedmont values experiential learning and sees internships as a valuable way to foster talent in our communities. We accept letters of interest for a limited number of internships from undergraduate and graduate level students throughout the year. Your e-mail should include a cover letter and resume and address the following questions:
Phone: 864.582.7556
Toll Free: 1.866.345.3086
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 5624
Spartanburg, SC 29304