Diversity, Equity,
& Inclusion

Our why

Several years ago, United Way of the Piedmont identified our Why statement as "We believe everyone deserves the opportunity to thrive." It's what drives us to do the work we do every day, in good times and bad. But here, we want to state this belief in a new way, with clarity:

We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to thrive. And that means everyone.

"The time is always right to do what is right." - Martin Luther King Jr. 

We know the work of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is unique to every United Way and every community around the world, which is why we have developed a local framework for our United Way while aligning with the principles of United Ways across the globe.


Below is United Way Worldwide’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Statement of Principle which outlines our commitment to building sustainable, inclusive, and resilient organizations and communities.

united way's equity vision

We recognize structural racism and other forms of oppression have contributed to persistent disparities which United Way seeks to dismantle. Our United Way network strives to engage community members, especially those whose voices have traditionally been marginalized. We work with residents and public and private partners to co-create solutions that ensure everyone has the resources, support, opportunities, and networks they need to thrive. We commit to leveraging all of our assets (convening, strategic investments, awareness building, advocacy) to create more equitable communities.

DIVERSITY, equity, & INCLUSION principles

  • We value the visible and invisible qualities that make you who you are.
  • We welcome that every person brings a unique perspective and experience to advance our mission and progress our fight for the education, health, and economic mobility of every person in every community.
  • We believe that each United Way community member, donor, volunteer, advocate, and employee must have equitable access to solving community problems.
  • We strive to include diversity, equity, and inclusion practices at the center of our daily work.
  • We commit to using these practices for our business and our communities.

"Anti-Racism is the practice of actively identifying and opposing racism."

Our Anti-Racism Journey

Our United Way of the Piedmont anti-racism journey really began in 2020.

While we had anti-discrimination policies in place before 2020, we lacked an intentionally anti-racist lens and application. The information below provides background for our journey to become intentionally anti-racist, as well as resources we have found helpful in our learning and growing together.

Our journey culminated in our Anti-Racism Statement and Operational Framework, which was approved by our Board in Fall 2023.


United Way's

Equity Amendments

As part of the United Way Worldwide network, the start of our journey came with the adoption of the Equity Amendments:

  1. Develop, maintain, and publicly post an organizational position opposing all forms of racial/ethnic discrimination
  2. Annually provide racial/ethnic equity training for all board members and staff
  3. Develop and use racial/ethnic equity as one of the criteria to make community investments

Steps Along

our Journey

Like others before us, it's helpful for our organization to think about becoming anti-racist as an ongoing journey rather than a destination: one where we constantly learn, practice, and improve.

Click the button below to check out the steps along our journey so far.


Join us on the Journey

Equip yourself on your own anti-racism journey with these resources.

Spartanburg Racial Equity Collaborative

Learn more about this Collaborative and its mission to "[e]liminate racial inequities in Spartanburg County through racial healing and systems change."

Strategic Spartanburg

Strategic Spartanburg is a non-profit research organization that leverages data and evidence to improve the quality of life of Spartanburg County residents. Check out the Racial Equity Index and other data dashboards to better understand important issues in our community. 

Racial Justice, Racial Equity, and Anti-Racism Reading List

Check out this reading list from Harvard's Kennedy School.

Talking About Race Framework

Check out this website from the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History & Culture  tools and guidance to empower your journey and inspire conversation.

United Way Equity Data Resources

Explore this collection of data resources from United Way Worldwide's Equity website.

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