When individuals are able to find jobs, provide for their families, and save for the future, our whole community thrives.That’s why United Way of the Piedmont fights to ensure that families have their basic needs met and have opportunities to move towards economic mobility.
1 in 4 individuals in our community can’t afford their basic needs—things like food, rent, or transportation to work. Families have to make agonizing choices that compromise their safety and wellbeing just to get by.
When families can’t afford the necessities, they have nothing left to save for emergencies or future obligations. This means that one unexpected expense could put these families into crisis.
Achieving self-sufficiency is more difficult than we think. View the Self-Sufficiency Standard for South Carolina to see what it takes to make ends meet.
United Way has Bold Goals to improve economic mobility for thousands of families in our community.
Our Community Resource Coordinators provide long-term case management to individuals seeking economic mobility.
Through our Vision Councils, Opportunity Housing Collaborative, and Homeless Task Force, we share goals and data with our partners while we all work to move the needle on the issues that prevent families from becoming economically mobile.
Our Homeless Prevention Fund helps families out of housing crisis and into stability through financial assistance.
Together, we can build a stronger community by helping families achieve economic mobility. Will you join us?
Learn more about our Results Based Accountability model and how it shapes the approach we take to our work in economic mobility.
Phone: 864.582.7556
Toll Free: 1.866.345.3086
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 5624
Spartanburg, SC 29304