By Paige Stephenson and Troy Hanna.
Read the original post on GoUpstate
Where federal and state social programs fall short, nonprofits fill the gaps with services to keep people healthy, housed, employed, and educated. South Carolina’s historic budget surplus and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds provide a landmark opportunity to designate grant funding to stabilize and support the essential services that non-profits provide to our state.
Together SC, the state’s nonprofit member association, along with hundreds of other nonprofits, requested a $100 million designation from ARPA funds or the budget surplus to issue competitive grant programs to invest in the collective capacity of nonprofits. United Way of the Piedmont joins the Spartanburg County Foundation in encouraging the designation of crucial funds to direct dollars straight to the organizations who are most well positioned to respond to changing community needs over time.
As we face a statewide labor shortage and educational attainment gaps, this funding will drive the capacity of nonprofits to implement programs that reduce employment barriers, including, but not limited to transportation, childcare, and skill training while enhancing the overall quality of life. Nonprofits provide crucial access to health care, transitional housing, shelter, childcare, and early childhood education. Our direct services and grants make Spartanburg residents more financially stable, resilient, and able to work.
We’ve seen first-hand the impact that a coordinated response can have on recovery efforts and the sustainability of a community. The process of applying for state assistance as an individual in poverty is long and arduous. Nonprofits have the infrastructure to coordinate resources for the most urgent community needs. Since April 2021, United Way of the Piedmont distributed $70,366 to 156 families through the Homeless Prevention Fund, preventing 108 families from becoming homeless. In fact, since April 2020, United Way of the Piedmont distributed $2.4 million in direct Covid Relief to 802 families in our tri-county footprint.
Since May 2020, the Spartanburg County Foundation has supported 52 nonprofit organizations with over $845,000 in grants and launched the Spartanburg County Disaster Relief Fund to enable the continuation of direct services including, food distribution, aid to special needs children and their parents, and transitional housing for people in need. With nonprofits in the state employing 9% of the workforce, further support and a long term sustainable investment is necessary to expand critical services for basic needs and mental health, keep nonprofit staff employed, and develop new resources for rural areas of the community.
Nonprofits have always been at the forefront of advancing our communities and we encourage our state leaders to recognize how these organizations can shape the future of statewide economic recovery.
We call on the state decision makers to designate $100 million in funding to nonprofits to expedite economic recovery, access to health, and financial stability. Our neighbors, our economy, and our families can’t afford to lose this historic funding opportunity.
Paige Stephenson is President and CEO of United Way of the Piedmont. Troy Hanna, President and CEO, Spartanburg County Foundation, also contributed to this op-ed.
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