We've seen the numbers. We've heard from our nonprofit partners. We've witnessed first-hand what it takes to make lasting change in Spartanburg, Cherokee, and Union Counties. This impact agenda is a map for the next ten years for United Way of the Piedmont. Not just for us, but for the partners that are in the trenches with us, doing the difficult collective impact work that makes real change possible.
We hope this agenda will also inspire you to join us on this journey to a better future for our community. There's always room at the table.
To change the lives of thousands of families who are currently living below self-sufficiency, we've changed our impact strategy in our Community Impact Agenda for 2022-2032.
What this looks like is aligning all of our work with our Bold Goals and focusing our resources to make greater investments in fewer places over longer periods of time.
Making targeted investments in the areas that will make the biggest difference allows us to move past quick fixes and double-down on our commitment to changing our community for the long-term.
We focus our programs, collective impact work, and investments in five interconnected categories that significantly contribute to families in our community becoming self-sufficient. These categories function in tandem to achieve our Bold Goals.
A family's path to self-sufficiency is often filled with obstacles that can slow or even prevent them escaping poverty. We have a responsibility to focus our resources where the greatest impact can be made to eliminate the complex hurdles limiting families to simply surviving instead of truly thriving.
IMPACT GOAL: Reach our overall Bold Goal to decrease the number of individuals living below self-sufficiency by 11,000.
Foundational to families achieving economic mobility is their ability to pay for basic needs--things like housing, food, childcare, and transportation. There must be a strong safety net of service providers in place to assist these families in emergency situations so they can move from crisis and toward self-sufficiency.
IMPACT GOAL: Individuals and families in our community can meet their basic needs and build toward self-sufficiency.
Educational attainment greatly influences an adult's success in life--namely, their ability to make ends meet. We can significantly impact the economic trajectory of individuals in our community by investing in their education early in life and supporting them throughout their school careers.
IMPACT GOAL: Set all children up for success throughout their school careers, with the ultimate goal of increasing their economic mobility through educational attainment.
Lack of access to affordable and culturally appropriate health care services prevents many families in our community from living safe, healthy, and productive lives. We must work to remove the barriers that keep families from getting the help they need, when they need it.
IMPACT GOAL: Increase access to healthcare services and preventative supports that are culturally appropriate.
When children don't have a safe home environment, they are vulnerable to the long-lasting effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). To mitigate the impact of ACEs, we will put resources toward programs that prevent violence, provide emergency services for victims, and increase the resilience of survivors.
IMPACT GOAL: Combat the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on children and adults in our community.
In 2020, we introduced Bold Goals based on where we could have the deepest impact for the most families related to poverty.
Our new Community Impact Agenda aligns our investment priorities with these Bold Goals. It is only through this focusing of our work and going deep instead of wide that we will be able to successfully help 11,000 families reach self-sufficiency.
Our Investment Process will be open for applications in 2022. To find out more applying for funding, click the button below.
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P.O. Box 5624
Spartanburg, SC 29304